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最后更新: 2012-05-20 04:28

业务联系人:周诗洪13026667778     15012711939  13543335151传真:0755-27993365    QQ: 1372888777深圳天地宽工艺制品厂业务联系人:周诗洪13026667778     15012711939网址:www.tdk999.com    www.tdksz.com      www.tdksz.cn。主营热转印、烫金、丝印、移印、水转印、水贴标、加工。公司位于中国广东深圳市宝安区观澜镇松元村环观中路兆业工业区A栋4楼。深圳天地宽工艺制品厂本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。专业技术,专业品质,专业服务,专业加工,最——低——价——格深圳天地宽工艺制品有限公司,2002年开始专业印刷热转印,生产热转印花箔、热转印花膜、热转印花纸、塑料印花、烫印膜等。并拥有世界一流的设备,属中国热转印龙头企业.产品已出口美国、日本、欧洲等国外地区,在国内已达到一定的知名度,质量在同行中处于领先地位。公司以市场为导向,建产了市场调研,产品开发等一套完整的体系。公司先后推出了适应于ABS、AS、PS、PC、PP等塑料制品的热转印花箔,最新产品激光镭射热转印花箔。它们同时适用于已处理的木材、竹子等制品的表面热转印。目前已广泛地应用于文具、日用品、化妆品、电器、玩具、PP 涂料桶、机油桶等表面装饰。   公司生产热转印箔印力强,是您提高商品的整体档次和附加值的最佳先择。 高档次、高品位、新潮流的商品包装是现代人的时尚追求,也是商品竞争秘密 武器。天地宽竭诚为每一位客户服务,助您成功!  欢迎来人、 来电、来函联系!主营热转印、烫金、丝印、移印、水转印、水贴标、加工烫金-热转印-水转印 主要应用下列行业:1. 礼品:下列应用于礼品的所有制品塑胶,五金。2. 玩具:各种塑胶、五金、木材、EVA、布料等玩具的指定平、曲表面。3. 文具:各种用途的圆珠笔、铅笔、金属笔管、笔杆、记号笔,尺子、橡皮、文具盒、乐器、眼镜等。4. 日用品:各种杯子、桶;手动、电动牙刷柄;各种款式的餐盒、调味盒、筷子、刀叉勺、  纸巾盒、皂盒、牙签盒、梳子、镜子、开瓶器等的指定平曲表面。5. 食品包装:各种糖果、饮料、饼干、小食品的包装盒、罐、瓶、袋的指定平曲表面。6. 化妆品包装:各种洗发护发、唇膏、沐浴露、各种膏霜的包装瓶、包装袋、包装盒7. 电子电器医疗器材如各种开关、收录机、VCD、传真对讲、电话手机、按摩器、护眼灯等。8. 装饰建材:塑胶五金、木材制作的装饰条、装饰块、d7笆繶"b0宓馈?ThiahLpar9:数码产品:业务联系人:周诗洪13026667778     15012711939  13543335151传真:0755-27993365    QQ: 1372888777深圳天地宽工艺制品厂业务联系人:周诗洪13026667778     15012711939网址:www.tdk999.com    www.tdksz.com      www.tdksz.cn。主营热转印、烫金、丝印、移印、水转印、水贴标、加工。公司位于中国广东深圳市宝安区观澜镇松元村环观中路兆业工业区A栋4楼。深圳天地宽工艺制品厂本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。专业技术,专业品质,专业服务,专业加工,最——低——价——格Business Contact: Hung 13,026,667,778 15,012,711,939 13,543,335,151 Poetry WeekFax :0755-27993365 QQ: 1372888777World Wide Technology Products Factory Shenzhen Business Contact: Chow, Sze Hung 13,026,667,778   15,012,711,939Website: www.tdk999.com www.tdksz.com www.tdksz.cn.Main thermal transfer, hot stamping, silk screen, printing, water transfer, water, labeling and processing. Company is located in Bao"an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Town, Song Yuan Village, Mission Hills View Road, Henderson, Central Industrial Zone A, 4th floor. World Wide Technology Products Factory Shenzhen spirit of "customer first, honesty first" principle, and the number of enterprises established long-term cooperative relationship. Warmly welcome friends to visit, study, business negotiations.Professional and technical, professional-quality, professional services, professional processing,The most - low - Price - LatticeWorld Wide Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen, thermal transfer printing in 2002, the production spent thermal transfer foil, thermal transfer took film, thermal transfer paper flowers, plastic printing, hot stamping film. And a world-class equipment, is the leading enterprise of Chinese thermal transfer. Products have been exported to the U.S., Japan, Europe and other foreign regions in the country has reached a certain reputation, quality in the peer leader. Market-oriented company, build capacity of the market research, product development of a complete system. The company has launched adapted to ABS, AS, PS, PC, PP and other plastic products, thermal transfer foil flowers, flowers latest laser laser thermal transfer foil. They also apply to processed wood, bamboo products, such as the surface heat transfer. Has been widely used in stationery, daily necessities, cosmetics, electrical appliances, toys, PP paint bucket, machine oil drums and other surface decoration.    Strong thermal transfer foil printing company, is you increase the overall quality and value-added products the best first choice. High-grade, high grade, the new trend of packaging is the pursuit of modern fashion, commodity competition is the secret weapon. World wide and dedicated to each customer service, help you succeed! Welcome to come, calls, communication links!Main thermal transfer, hot stamping, silk screen, printing, water transfer, water, labeling, processing,Gold foil - thermal transfer - water transferMain application the following industries:1. Gift: The following applies to all products, gifts plastic, metal.2. Toys: plastic, metal, wood, EVA, fabric and other toys to specified level, Qu surface.3. Stationery: various uses of the ball-point pen, pencil, metal pen, pen, markers, rulers, erasers, stationery, musical instruments, glasses and so on.4. Commodity: all glass, cans; manual and electric toothbrush; various styles of lunch boxes, seasoning box, chopsticks, spoon knife and fork,   Tissue box, soap box, toothpick box, comb, mirror, bottle opener, etc. specified level curve surface.5. Food Packaging: all kinds of candy, beverages, biscuits, small food packaging, cans, bottles, bags curved surface specified level.6. Cosmetics Packaging: all kinds of hair care, lip balm, shower gel, cream of all kinds of bottles, bags, boxes7. Electrical and electronic medical equipment such as various switches, tape recorders, VCD, fax intercom, telephone handsets, massage, Eye and so on.8. Decorative building materials: plastic metal, wood production of decorative articles, decorative pieces, d7 Tenth Yi "b0 Mi fed ? ThiahLpar 9: Digital Products:Business Contact: Hung 13,026,667,778 15,012,711,939 13,543,335,151 Poetry WeekFax :0755-27993365 QQ: 1372888777World Wide Technology Products Factory Shenzhen Business Contact: Chow, Sze Hung 13,026,667,778 15,012,711,939Website: www.tdk999.com www.tdksz.com www.tdksz.cn. Main thermal transfer, hot stamping, silk screen, printing, water transfer, water, labeling and processing. Company is located in Bao"an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Town, Song Yuan Village, Mission Hills View Road, Henderson, Central Industrial Zone A, 4th floor. World Wide Technology Products Factory Shenzhen spirit of "customer first, honesty first" principle, and the number of enterprises established long-term cooperative relationship. Warmly welcome friends to visit, study, business negotiations.Professional and technical, professional-quality, professional services, professional processing,The most - low - Price - Lattice
深圳,东莞,惠洲等地的热转印加工 深圳 丝印,移印,烫金,水转印,住 深圳各地,塑胶产品五金产品表面热转 深圳,东莞各厂热转印加工,烫金加
公司其他供应信息 | 深圳,东莞各厂热转印加工,烫金加 | 深圳各地,塑胶产品五金产品表面热转 | 深圳 丝印,移印,烫金,水转印,住 | 深圳,东莞,惠洲等地的热转印加工